Lottery for Saving

Would you rather save or spend? When you dream about winning the lottery, is your first thought about how you’re going to save or invest the money? I’m sure I’m the norm; I know how I’d spend the money. I don’t want a lot, though. I want to pay our debt, buy a bigger car, and hire a maid. Yes, I’d save, but I’d spend first. We need to spend less than we have coming in. Having a healthy savings account in addition to an emergency fund is good financial planning. Is having money in the bank its own reward? … Continue reading

The Right Way to Stretch

I recently wrote a blog about the importance of stretching and how it can improve flexibility and reduce the chances of being injured. While stretching is important, it is also vital that a person knows the right way to stretch. Believe it or not you can injure yourself if you don’t stretch the correct way. There are different types of stretches and different times when they should be performed. First of all, stretching is not warming up. People sometimes confuse the two. So before you even begin stretching, you want to first warm up. A good warm-up routine is to … Continue reading

Feeling Upbeat and Trimming Down

I have not written a lot about my fitness results lately. I hit a few bumps in the road a couple of months ago and backslid. With it came a wave of self-disappointment and a less than cheery mood. I am used to this type of thing happening because I have dealt with it in the past in my self, but I am a pretty good trooper with a lot of help from someone who watches over me. I got back in the saddle again and I am riding off into the wild blue yonder with a wave of excellent … Continue reading

Can Romance Novels Hamper Dating?

Most readers of romance novels say they pour over them because they’re lonely, not satisfied in their current private lives, or simply enjoy being swept away by the stories while they enjoy some quiet time. But, let’s face it, the characters in these novels are buffed, built, curvy and courageous. They have lives most people only dream about. They travel to exotic lands or time periods, and the main characters always live happily ever after in the end. People enjoy these tales of suspense, intrigue, and sensuality so much that romance novels account for 55% of all book sales. But, … Continue reading

Celebrity Rehab – Who’s In and Who’s Out

In case you have not heard the news, Lindsay Lohan left the Cirque Lodge Treatment Center this week. That is right – after almost two months, Lindsay is out of rehab. He father helped her pack up to leave. Formerly estranged from his daughter, Michael, who has had his own addiction problems, said he is blessed to have his daughter back in his life. He said Lindsay is in a “stronger place” than ever before and that she just needs to divert herself from bad influences. She was photographed at the treatment center partaking in healthy activities such hiking and … Continue reading

Working Out with Cancer

Today’s cancer patient is discovering that rest isn’t always the best prescription. In fact, a growing body of thought has indicated that walking, yoga and other forms of exercise can help a cancer patient endure their treatments including chemotherapy both psychologically and physically. More and more, oncologists are recommending that exercise is on par with nutrition when it comes to cancer patients. More than 3 decades ago, my grandmother developed uterine cancer. She had a hysterectomy and months of radiation treatments and chemotherapy. Even on days when she just wanted to throw up and curl up into a ball, she … Continue reading