What Will Yoga Do For Me?

Yoga is a great form of exercise that will help your body in several ways. Yoga has amazing health benefits for your body. * Your breathing. The breathing that is practiced in yoga is known as Pranayama. The attention is focused primarily on the breath itself, which can help our lungs, our nasal area and help to decrease stress. * Your stress. Yoga helps us to relieve stress because it is a form of physical exertion, exercise. You are stretching and moving your body in numerous ways and focusing on that alone. This physical activity combined with the concentration that … Continue reading

Yoga Glossary Part I

Whether you are new to the practice of yoga or have been practicing a while, you may come across unfamiliar terms. Yoga has a language of its own. Sanskrit is an ancient language that originated in India, where yoga originated. As a result, many of the words used in yoga are in this ancient language. In this blog and the next two, I’ll cover some of the more common words. Adho Mukha Svanasana: downward facing dog pose Ahimsa: One of the Yamas (from Patanjali’s Eight Limbs). It means non violence or harmlessness. Alignment: correct positioning of the body in a … Continue reading