Keeping Your Weight Under Control During Menopause

Hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and middle age spread. You cannot fight city hall they say, but ah, wait a minute. Yes, you can. If you are totally aware and conscious of all of these things that are taking place in your body you can fight back against it. It is not easy by any means, but by making a concentrated effort you will succeed in your quest. Menopause is that time in a woman’s life when her menstrual cycle ceases and with it so does her childbearing capabilities. Some are relieved by this, especially those that have had … Continue reading

Ten Reasons Why Your Period May Be Irregular

A late or skipped period is often cause for alarm. Am I pregnant? Is something else wrong with me? But you may not need to panic! The average woman has between eleven and thirteen periods per year — but that’s just an average. If your cycle is longer or shorter, that may be normal for you and you don’t need to worry! Here are some common causes for an irregular or skipped menstrual cycle: Pregnancy. Yep, it’s number one according to WebMD. If you think you might be pregnant, treat yourself as if you ARE pregnant until you get things … Continue reading

Complimentary Therapies for Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus, which is typically shed during menstruation grows outside the uterus. In most cases, it is found on the reproductive organs including the outside of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Endometriosis gets worse with each passing menstrual cycle and is a cause of infertility. Most doctors recommend a combination of surgery and hormonal therapy to remove and shrink the endometriosis. There are some complementary therapies that some women and practitioners swear by. While there is not a large body of scientific evidence to show they work, it can’t hurt … Continue reading

Natural Methods to Enhance Fertility

After a lifetime of hearing warnings about safe sex and avoiding unintended pregnancy, women are often surprised if they don’t conceive as soon as they start trying. There are some things you can do to naturally enhance your fertility, before you head off to the nearest fertility clinic for a consultation. Many of these techniques will benefit your health and your baby, when you do conceive. A healthy diet can increase your chances of conception. Foods believed to improve fertility include fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants, including carrots, red peppers, mangos, figs and blueberries. There is some evidence that … Continue reading