Meditation as Stress Relief

So, the day has come. Today, I dropped my husband off at the bus station. He is going 800 miles away. I am left with three children, a dog, a cat, a house, and a yard, all alone with my high stress levels and postpartum madness. But I think I’m going to try a couple new things to help me cope with the situation. First, as I mentioned before, will be organization. I’m going to physically write a schedule and post it on the kitchen wall. This schedule will include things like dinner and story time. Play time and clean … Continue reading

Too Much Work Can Harm Your Health

Some Americans define themselves by their work, so they work extra long and extra hard to accomplish their goals. Some Americans simply have to work long hours just to get by. Either way, working too much can be bad for your health. One thing it can cause is depression. This seems understandable. WebMD has said that working too many hours may make you less interested in your friends and family as well as neglectful in good care of yourself. Another problem that I worry about myself is sitting too much. I get involved in a web page or a blog … Continue reading

Bedroom TV

Do you have a TV in your bedroom? Everything I’ve read suggests that the bedroom is one of the worst places to have a TV. Watching TV in bed can be disruptive to intimacy. The TV can affect the way you sleep. The bedroom is supposed to be a quiet and calming place. Television is disruptive the serenity we are looking for in the place where we unwind, rest, and rejuvenate. My parents have always had a TV in their bedroom. That’s what I grew up with. The children were not to have TVs in their rooms, but Mom and … Continue reading